Desvelada la portada de War Cry

Ya sabemos cuál será la portada de War Cry, la novella de Brian McClellan que publicará y que tiene una pinta más que interesante, aunque se sale un poco de lo que nos tiene acostumbrados con su universo Powder Mage.

El propio autor lo define como un mundo fantástico con aires de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y en la portada hay TANQUES.

La sinopsis es esta:

Teado is a Changer, a shape-shifting military asset trained to win wars. His platoon has been stationed in the Bavares high plains for years, stranded. As they ration supplies and scan the airwaves for news, any news, their numbers dwindle. He’s not sure how much time they have left.

Desperate and starving, armed with aging, faulting equipment, the team jumps at the chance for a risky resupply mission, even if it means not all of them might come. What they discover could change the course of the war.

La portada es obra de Richard Anderson con dseño de Christine Foltzer.

War Cry se publicará el 28 de agosto.

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