An age of discord de Ian Sales a la venta este año

¡Notición! Ian Sales, uno de nuestros escritores preferidos (ver reseñas aquí, aquí y aquí) ha anunciado la publicación de su trilogía An age of discord entre este año y el que viene. El autor la define como :

sort of a steampunkish widescreen baroque space opera sort

Los títulos que componen esta trilogía serán: A Prospect of War, A Conflict of Orders y A Want of Reason.

Aquí os dejo la sinopsis:

Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it, but those who ignore history do so at their peril. The Empire was born in civil war and now, 1,300 years later, a fresh civil war is brewing. But who is the mysterious “Serpent” who threatens the Imperial Throne? And what can the renegade naval officer known only as the Admiral, and her single battlecruiser, do to combat him? Casimir Ormuz, a young man of low birth, may be the key. Whoever controls him is most likely to win—but he is determined to be his own master.

And then the historical origin of the Serpent’s conspiracy abruptly intrudes into the present… And the civil war becomes a battle for the Empire’s survival.

Set in a colourful and richly-detailed universe, An Age of Discord tells an epic story of derring-do and intrigue, while subverting space opera sensibilities and traditions.

Espero impaciente la publicación de estos libros, no sé con qué nos sorprenderá Ian, pero parece que será algo totalmente diferente a su Apollo Quartet.

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