Ganador del premio Prometheus 2018

Ya se ha anunciado el ganador del premio Prometheus de este año, se trata de:

The Powers of the Earth, de Travis Corcoran

Con esta sinopsis:

The Powers of the Earth(Morlock Publishing), the first volume in The Aristillus Series, is set in a near-future ungoverned lunar settlement, developed while Earth leaders ignored and denied its existence. The settlement struggles to retain its independence from Earth’s invading force in Corcoran’s panoramic story about people carrying on their lives in liberty. Corcoran’s novel is both a tribute to Robert Heinlein’s classic The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, and a re-examination of its assumptions about how such a lunar colony would function, and what kinds of people would live there.

No os voy a engañar, no me suena ni el libro ni el autor. ¿Conocéis esta obra?

También se ha elegido el siguiente relato para formar parte del Prometheus Hall of Fame:

With Folded Hands …” del Gran Maestro Jack Williamson (1947 relato corto)

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