Dos nuevas novelas de Mary Robinette Kowal

Si os gustó “The Lady Astronaut of Mars”  estáis de enhorabuena, porque se acaba de anunciar la publicación de dos nuevas novelas basadas en este universo.

La propia autora ha dicho:

“I jokingly call the Lady Astronaut universe ‘punchcard punk’ because it’s rooted in the 1950s and 60s. It’s a chance to re-imagine the science-fiction of Ray Bradbury and Cordwainer Smith, where all of the science was very physical and practical.”

Ambas novelas serán precuelas de la historia, expandiendo el mundo que conocimos en la historia ganadora del Hugo. Los títulos serán The Calculating Stars y The Fated Sky, con diversos puntos de vista sobre la narración.

“The first novel begins on March 3, 1952 about five minutes before a meteorite slams into the Chesapeake Bay and wipes out D.C. I’ve been doing historical fantasy and I keep saying that this is historical science fiction, even though I know full well that ‘alternate history’ is already a genre. It’s so much fun to play in.”

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