Orbit Books anuncia la primera novela de fantasía de Ann Leckie

Orbit Books ha anunciado la publicación de la nueva novela de Ann Leckie, un libro de fantasía titulado The Raven Tower, que se publicará a principios de 2019. No hay mucha información al respecto, salvo este párrafo:

Listen. A god is speaking.
My voice echoes through the stone of your master’s castle.
This castle where he finds his uncle on his father’s throne.
You want to help him. You cannot.
You are the only one who can hear me.
You will change the world.

Esta es la portada:

El diseño de la portada es de Lauren Panepinto y la imagen de Arcangel Images.

¿Qué os parece? Para mí, la portada es bastante genérica así que no consigue llamar mi atención.

Portada de The Consuming Fire

Hoy os traigo la portada de la que será continación de la nominada al Hugo The Collapsing Empire. Se titulará The Consuming Fire y promete más diversión de esa a la que nos tiene acostumbrados Scalzi.

Y la sinopis:

The Interdependency, humanity’s interstellar empire, is on the verge of collapse. The Flow, the extra-dimensional pathway between the stars, is disappearing, leaving planets stranded. Billions of lives will be lost—unless desperate measures can be taken.

Emperox Grayland II, the leader of the Interdependency, is ready to take those measures. But it’s not quite that easy. There are those who believe the collapse of the Flow is a myth—or an opportunity for them to ascend to power. And while Grayland prepares for disaster, others prepare for civil war. It’s a war that will take place in the halls of power, centres of industry and altars of worship as much as between spaceships. Nothing about this power struggle will be obvious or straightforward… and all of human civilization is at stake.

Nuevas portadas para ediciones en tapa dura de Gollancz

Son libros que ya han alcanzado la categoría de clásicos en el género, pero nunca está de más ver qué nuevas portadas se han diseñado para novelas estupendas como Wise Man’s Fear; Hero of Ages; Last Argument of Kings o Republic of Thieves.

¿Qué os parecen? Para mí, demasiado minimalistas y con un mínimo spoiler incluso.

Portada de Rejoice, a Knife to the Heart

No sé si alegrarme con la noticia, pero habrá que dar una nueva oportunidad al autor. Aquí os traigo la portada de la nueva novela de ciencia ficción (no cómica, habrá que hacer hincapié en este hecho, porque la experiencia anterior es francamente mejorable).

Esta es la sinopsis:

An alien AI has been sent to the solar system as representative of three advanced species. Its mission is to save the Earth’s ecosystem – and the biggest threat to that is humanity. But we are also part of the system, so the AI must make a choice. Should it save mankind or wipe it out? Are we worth it?

The AI is all-powerful, and might as well be a god. So it sets up some conditions. Violence is now impossible. Large-scale destruction of natural resources is impossible. Food and water will be provided for those who really, truly need them. You can’t even bully someone on the internet any more. The old way of doing things is gone. But a certain thin-skinned US president, among others, is still wedded to late-stage capitalism. Can we adapt? Can we prove ourselves worthy? And are we prepared to give up free will for a world without violence?

And above it all, on a hidden spaceship, one woman watches. A science fiction writer, she was abducted from the middle of the street in broad daylight. She is the only person the AI will talk to. And she must make a decision.

Portada de Empire of Silence

Se ha desvelado la portada de Empire of Silence, la primera novela de Christopher Ruocchio, que promete ser cuando menos llamativa.

Esta es la sinopsis:

Meet Hadrian Marlow.

Hadrian Marlowe, a man revered as a hero and despised as a murderer, chronicles his tale in the galaxy-spanning debut of the Sun Eater series, merging the best of space opera and epic fantasy.

It was not his war.

On the wrong planet, at the right time, for the best reasons, Hadrian Marlowe started down a path that could only end in fire. The galaxy remembers him as a hero: the man who burned every last alien Cielcin from the sky. They remember him as a monster: the devil who destroyed a sun, casually annihilating four billion human lives–even the Emperor himself–against Imperial orders.

But Hadrian was not a hero. He was not a monster. He was not even a soldier.

Fleeing his father and a future as a torturer, Hadrian finds himself stranded on a strange, backwater world. Forced to fight as a gladiator and navigate the intrigues of a foreign planetary court, he will find himself fighting a war he did not start, for an Empire he does not love, against an enemy he will never understand.

La portada es obra de Patrick Knowles.

Portada de Thin Air

Aquí os traigo la portada de Thin Air, la nueva novela de Richard K. Morgan. Se trata de un thriller de corrupción y secuestros situada en Marte, que saldrá a la venta el 9 de octubre.

Aquí la sinopsis:

An ex-corporate enforcer, Hakan Veil, is forced to bodyguard Madison Jegede, part of a colonial audit team investigating a disappeared lottery winner on Mars. But when Jegede is abducted, and Hakan nearly killed, the investigation takes him farther and deeper than he had ever expected. And soon Hakan discovers the heavy price he may have to pay to learn the truth.

La portada es un poco convencional, pero una novela de Richard Morgan siempre es algo que celebrar.


Portada de Port of Shadows

Ya nos hicimos eco de la noticia hace un tiempo, pero ahora os traemos la que será portada de la nueva novela de la Compañía Negra, Port of Shadows, obra de Raymond Swanland.

Temporalmente se sitúa entre las dos primeras novelas de la Compañía, The Black Company y Shadows Linger.

El libro se publicará el 11 de septiembre.

Contenidos de The Best of British Science Fiction 2017

Ya conocemos cuáles serán los contenidos de The Best of British Science Fiction 2017 una recopilación que publicará Newcon Press. La selección corre a cargo de Donna Scott.

“Blinders” – Tyler Keevil
“In the Night of the Comet (2017)” – Adam Roberts
“The Walls of Tithonium Chasma” – Tim Major
“3.8 Missions” – Katie Gray
“Over You” – Jaine Fenn
“The Ghosts of Europa Will Keep You Trapped in a Prison You Make for Yourself” – Matt Dovey
“Uniquo” – Aliya Whiteley
“Looking for Laika” – Laura Mauro
“A Good Citizen” – Anne Charnock
“Mercury Teardrops” – Jeff Noon
“The Nightingales in Plàtres” – Natalia Theodoridou
“The Road to the Sea” – Lavie Tidhar
“When I Close My Eyes” – Chris Barnham
“Targets” – Eric Brown
“London Calling” – Philip A. Suggars
“The Last Word” – Ken MacLeod
“After the Atrocity” – Ian Creasey
“Voicemail” – Karen McCreedy
“Green Boughs Will Cover Thee” – Sarah Byrne
“Airless” – N.J. Ramsden
“Product Recall” – Robert Bagnall
“The Endling Market” – E. J. Swift

Aquí tenéis la portada obra de Les Edwards: