Subterranean Press publicará Miniatures: The very short fiction of John Scalzi

A principios de 2017 Subterranean Press publicará Miniatures: The very short fiction of John Scalzi, una recopilación de la mejor ficción corta (muy corta) de John Scalzi.

Aquí os dejo la nota de prensa:

The ex-planet Pluto has a few choice words about being thrown out of the solar system. A listing of alternate histories tells you all the various ways Hitler has died. A lawyer sues an interplanetary union for dangerous working conditions. And four artificial intelligences explain, in increasingly worrying detail, how they plan not to destroy humanity.

Welcome to Miniatures: The Very Short Fiction of John Scalzi.

These four stories, along with fourteen other pieces, have one thing in common: They’re short, sharp, and to the point—science fiction in miniature, with none of the stories longer than 2,300 words. But in that short space exist entire universes, absurd situations, and the sort of futuristic humor that propelled Scalzi to a Hugo with his novel Redshirts. Not to mention yogurt taking over the world (as it would).

Spanning the years from 1991 to 2016, this collection is a quarter century of Scalzi at his briefest and best, and features four never-before-printed stories, exclusive to this collection: “Morning Announcements at the Lucas Interspecies School for Troubled Youth,” “Your Smart Appliances Talk About You Behind Your Back,” “Important Holidays on Gronghu” and “The AI Are Absolutely Positively Without a Doubt Not Here to End Humanity, Honest.”

Portadas décimo aniversario

Hace poco Armando se hacía eco del décimo aniversario de la publicación de una grandísima obra fantástica, Las mentiras de Locke Lamora. Pero es que este año hay varias obras más que alcanzan esta estupenda cifra, y los chicos de Gollancz han decidido celebrarlo con ediciones nuevas. Aquí tenéis las portadas de unos libros que han cambiado la faz de la fantasía en este siglo (menos The storm caller, que reconozco no haber leido).

Stormcaller Final-Empire Lies-of-Locke-Lamora Blade-Itself

Portada de Walkaway

Aquí os traigo la portada de la nueva novela adulta de Cory Doctorow, Walkaway.

La sinopsis:

Hubert, Seth, and their ultra-rich heiress friend Natalie are getting a little old to hang out at the “Communist parties,” techno-raveups in abandoned industrial spaces, full of insta-printed drugs and toys. And Natalie was finished, years ago, with her overcontrolling zillionaire dad.

And now that anyone can manufacture food, clothing, shelter with equipment comparable to a computer printer, there seems to be little reason to to stick with the world of rules and jobs. So, like hundreds of thousands of others in the mid-21st century, the three of them…walk away.

Mind you, it’s still dangerous out there. Much of the countryside is wrecked by climate change, and predators are with us always. Yet when the initial pioneer walkaways flourish, more people join them. Then the walkaways discover the one thing the ultra-rich have never been able to buy: how to beat death.

Now it’s war—a war that will turn the world upside down.

Fascinating, moving, and darkly humorous, Walkaway is a multi-generation SF thriller about the wrenching changes of the next hundred years…and the very human people who will live their consequences.


Ebook gratis : Beyond the door of death

BeyondEn la modalidad de paga lo que quieras, incluso nada, este mes podemos conseguir Beyond the door of death, de Robert Silverberg y Damien Broderick.

Esta es su sinopsis:

“Born With the Dead” (the novella) was nominated for every major science fiction award when it was originally published in 1974, winning the Nebula and Locus awards.

The story describes a future in which the dead can be “re-kindled” back to a new form of life. While they remember their pasts thought, their personalities are subtly shifted and the ordinary concerns and feelings of their original life no longer concern them.

The author now revisits the classic story with Australian author Damien Broderick. Broderick uses Robert Silverberg’s original novella as a starting point for a brilliant leap into the far future, widening the scope and tenor of the original story by revisiting some of its subtler implications.

Libro gratis : The Stormlight Archive Pocket Companion

Me despierto hoy con la sorpresa de que Tor está ofreciendo gratis la versión electrónica de The Stormlight Archive Pocket Companion, con muchísima información sobre la última saga de Brandon Sanderson : detalles, perfiles de personajes, mapas, ilustraciones, respuestas a preguntas… Vamos, el paraíso para los estudiosos de Sanderson.

Solo hace falta apuntarse a la newsletter. Yo ya lo he hecho, ¿a qué esperas?

Jeff Noon publicará dos libros con Angry Robot

Acabamos de saber que Jeff Noon ha firmado un acuerdo con Angry Robot para publicar dos libros, el primero de los cuales tiene prevista su salida en agosto de 2017 bajo el título A Man of Shadows.

Aquí tenéis la sinopsis:

Below the neon skies of Dayzone – a city where the lights never go out, and night has been banished – lowly private eye John Nyquist takes on a teenage runaway case. His quest to track down Eleanor Bale takes him from Dayzone, to the permanently blacked-out alleyways of Nocturna. As the vicious, seemingly invisible serial killer known only as Quicksilver haunts the streets, Nyquist starts to suspect that the runaway girl holds within her the key to the city’s fate. In the end, there’s only one place left to search: the strange, mysterious realm known as Dusk, a place of ghosts, mists and living shadows.

Story Bundle Fantasía histórica

Echadle un vistazo al nuevo Story Bundle de fantasía. No conozco muchos de los libros pero estando La muerte del nigromante merece la pena investigar al respecto.

Aquí tenéis los libros:

The Armor of Light de Melissa Scott y Lisa A. Barnett
Steel Blues de Melissa Scott y Jo Graham
Between Worlds de Martha Wells
The Death of the Necromancer de Martha Wells
PIllar of Fire de Judith Tarr
Lord of the Two Lands de Judith Tarr
Daughter of Mystery de Heather Rose Jones
The Virtuous Feats of the Indomitable Miss Trafalgar and the Erudite Lady Boone de Geonn Cannon
Stag and Hound de Geonn Cannon
The Orffyreus Wheel de David Niall Wilson