Portada de The End of the Day

Si digo que hay una nueva novela de Claire North en el horizonte, deberían pararse las rotativas inmediatamente. Pero además si leéis el blurb que os traigo y veis la portada, aunque no sea la definitiva no nos queda más que gritar : ¡la queremos ya!

Charlie meets everyone—but only once.

You might meet him in a hospital, in a warzone, or at the scene of traffic accident. Then again, you might meet him at the North Pole—he gets everywhere, our Charlie.

Would you shake him by the hand, take the gift he offers, or would you pay no attention to the words he says?

Sometimes he is sent as a courtesy, sometimes as a warning. He never knows which.

Nueva portada de Infernal Devices

Hace treinta años que se acuñó el término steampunk y para celebrarlo Angry Robots va a publicar las novelas originales de K. W. Jeter Infernal Devices y Fiendish Schemes junto con su continuación Grim Expectations en una edición especial con estas portadas.

Subterranean publicará una edición impresa de The Dispatcher

Hace unos días anunciábamos que estaba disponible en audible The Dispatcher, una nueva novella de John Scalzi.

Pues ahora Subterranean anuncia la publicación impresa de esta misma novella en mayo de 2017. Las ilustraciones interiores y portada correrán a cargo de Vincent Chong

scalzi-dispatcher-printOs pongo la sinopsis:

One day, not long from now, it becomes almost impossible to murder anyone—999 times out of a thousand, anyone who is intentionally killed comes back. How? We don’t know. But it changes everything: war, crime, daily life.

Tony Valdez is a Dispatcher—a licensed, bonded professional whose job is to humanely dispatch those whose circumstances put them in death’s crosshairs, so they can have a second chance to avoid the reaper. But when a fellow Dispatcher and former friend is apparently kidnapped, Tony learns that there are some things that are worse than death, and that some people are ready to do almost anything to avenge what they see as a wrong.

It’s a race against time for Valdez to find his friend before it’s too late…before not even a Dispatcher can save him.

Portada de A Unkindness of Magicians

En Tor.com han anunciado la que será portada de la nueva novela de fantasía de Kat Howard, A Unkindness of Magicians.


Y aquí la sinopsis:

The Unseen World prides itself on remaining invisible as magicians walk the streets of New York City, rich and literally powerful.

Every twenty years, vying for power and standing during the Turning, the heads of magical houses would elect a champion, a family member or a magician-for-hire, and begin a series of duels.

But the Turning has come early, after thirteen years, and Ian Merlin, the heir to the most powerful house in the Unseen World has elected to become the champion of his father’s chief rival, House Prospero.

Enter Sydney: An unknown magician from a candidate house, an outsider easily dismissed amongst the established wealth and power of the Unseen World.

Acclaimed author Kat Howard has written a magical revenge thriller amidst the private world of New York City’s most influential citizens, who feed off each other in a hidden game of magical dominance.

What the Unseen World will soon learn is that Sydney is a formidable duelist with power that hasn’t been seen in decades, and she has a score to settle.

Portada de Estados Unidos de Japón

Nova ha dado a conocer la que será portada de su lanzamiento Estados Unidos de Japón, que saldrá a la venta en enero de 2017.


Y la sinopsis:

Hace unas décadas, Japón ganó la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Los estadounidenses adoran a su infalible emperador y nadie cree que la conducta de Japón en la contienda no fuera ejemplar. Nadie excepto los George Washingtons, una facción proestadounidense que intenta recuperar la gloria de los viejos Estados Unidos. Su última táctica subversiva es distribuir un videojuego ilegal que pide a los jugadores que imaginen cómo sería el mundo si Estados Unidos hubiera ganado la guerra.

El capitán Beniko Ishimura, censor de videojuegos, se dedica a captar posibles traidores, cuando un día recibe una misteriosa llamada del general Mutsuraga, al que sirvió hace muchos años, y su vida se convierte en una montaña rusa que le llevará a conocer a Akiko Tsukino, una oficial de la policía de Tokio que intenta descubrir la relación de Ishimura con el videojuego United States of America, que algunos insurgentes están usando para avivar el nacionalismo estadounidense. Los orígenes del videojuego subversivo son aún más polémicos y peligrosos de los que nadie sospecha.

Portada del nuevo libro traducido al inglés de Liu Cixin

Después del éxito de The Three-Body Problem y sus continuaciones, Tor va a continuar publicando obras de Liu Cixin. La siguiente en aparecer en 2017 será Ball Lightning, con esta espectacular portada:

ball-lightning-coverY la sinopsis:

When Chen’s parents are incinerated before his eyes by a blast of ball lightning, he devotes his life to cracking the secret of mysterious natural phenomenon. His search takes him to stormy mountaintops, an experimental military weapons lab, and an old Soviet science station. The more he learns, the more he comes to realize that ball lightning is just the tip of an entirely new frontier in particle physics. Although Chen’s quest provides a purpose for his lonely life, his reasons for chasing his elusive quarry come into conflict with soldiers and scientists who have motives of their own: a beautiful army major with an obsession with dangerous weaponry, and a physicist who has no place for ethical considerations in his single-minded pursuit of knowledge.

Portada de New York 2140

Se ha desvelado cuál será la portada de New York 2140, la nueva novela de Kim Stanley Robinson. Se publicará el 21 de marzo del año que viene.

Aquí os pongo la sinopsis:

The waters rose, submerging New York City.

But the residents adapted and it remained the bustling, vibrant metropolis it had always been. Though changed forever.

Every street became a canal. Every skyscraper an island.

Through the eyes of the varied inhabitants of one building Kim Stanley Robinson shows us how one of our great cities will change with the rising tides.

And how we too will change.


Portada y contenidos de Arcanum Unbounded

Aquí os traigo la portada y los contenidos de Arcanun Unbounded una colección de relatos y novelas cortas de Brandon Sanderson.

‘Edgedancer’ (Stormlight Archive)
‘The Hope of Elantris’ (Elantris)
‘The Eleventh Metal’ (Mistborn)
‘The Emperor’s Soul’ (Elantris)
‘Allomancer Jak and the Pits of Eltania’ (excerpt; Mistborn)
‘White Sand’ (extracto; Taldain)
‘Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell’ (Threnody)
‘Sixth of Dusk’ (First of the Sun)
‘Mistborn: Secret History’ (Mistborn)
